March 21, 2005


Even with 2 agencies supposedly looking for work for me I've yet to have an interview, let alone a solid offer. Oh, they call and say they have something that seems to fit, but when you follow up it's either already off the market or "they're looking for more experience/advanced degree/less experience/et al.

I don't have much free time to go look for myself; that's why I went to these people in the first place. I just hope it wasn't a mistake.

Bubba's been real upset lately. It's a little physical and a little emotional, I think. More teething, a little tummy trouble and today a runny nose (no temp.). Of course, all these things manifest themselves at around 1 or 2 in the morning, so I now have bags under my eyes while I ready myself to got to the store, followed by class tonight.

Bit of a stall on the book again, but I'm not worried. Really have to start thinking about the cover, though. I have three people lined up who do this, and unless the one I prefer artistically can give me a great deal I think I know who I'm going with. I can always go for the high-ticket art in the second edition.

I just wish I had a steady full-time job to alleviate some of my worries, that's all.


The Noillyprat Cat said...

I did not know you had a blog, you've been holding out on us? May I provide linkage on my page to you?

John Donald Knox, AKA QuackJak, AKA Johnny Woodside said...
