April 14, 2006

Of Aprils & Good Fridays

Here I sit on Good Friday 2006, my son sleeping in the bedroom, my wife off with her family performing the Stations of the Cross in Long Island at some 'attraction' built to draw the faithful (otherwise they could have done it at the local church). You who know me know I'm no fan of pomp and circumstance, and therefore find no solace in rituals. So I sit,and type,and ponder Good Friday and what I see in it.

The sad thing is how little has changed in the thousands of years since that day. We still give hell to those who wish to walk a more gentle path, while offering our murders and unrepentant criminals every way out of thier situations. Religious zealots (on all sides) call for end-time related activities or the deaths of thier enemies. Governments, swayed back and forth not by rational minds but by the loudest mouths, either give too much to the people or take too much away. It makes one wonder if any country - in the history of the world - ever got it right, or at least the closest? It was probably Atlantis, and that's why it doesn't exist anymore; other countries were so jealous they laid waste to it.

As for me, I remain on leave from work. I haven't recieved a disability check from the insurance company in over 5 weeks because the information they want in order to process the claim the doctor (or someone in his office) has been neglecting to write on the forms. It's not unreasonable stuff, either: they just want to know when the doctor believes I can return to work. But this guy, I guess he doesn't want to commit himself. So I suffer. I've been selling whatever I can find around the house in order to pay bills and whatnot. But I'll tell you one thing: never trust your doctor to do what's in your best interest. I won't again. Also, do your best to stash some 'rainy day' money somewhere. You never know.

Still not writing too much. I suppose it has something to do with my current state of mind and lack of incentive. The scary thing is even work has become attractive again. It's most likely the money, but you know how that sort of thing can spill over into all sorts of justifications. Still dislike my boss, though. Nothing will change that but a complete 180 of his attitude.

Back to Good Friday: Jesus was killed by Jewish religious leaders with the approval of the Roman government, and for what? Saying He was the Son of God? But it's okay to free a murderer like Barabas to make your point, huh? Just goes to show idiots have been around a looooong time. But I blame the crowd more, because they let themselves be used to kill someone who was there helping them, curing them and teaching them peace. Sheep really are stupid.

Today, we follow people who say 'these men are bad, this place is evil, we know what's best'. They don't, but we're so scared of another 9/11 that we'll submit to thier will - consequences be damned. We could all be living in a police state in the next 50 years, and we'd have ourselves to blame for it. Either that or we'll screw up big time and become a third-world country, owned by Wal-Mart.

What's the solution? You know. You've always known. You just refuse to accept it. The same way Christians who, so full of themselves most of the time, conviently forget that they ignore the 11th Commandment of Jesus Christ, Son of God, on a daily basis. Think I'm joking? Look it up in John 13, 34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Someone must have thought that went a little too far, huh? Otherwise, we'd all be safer and happier now. Such is life on the Planet Earth, I guess. As long as we keep freeing Barabas, we'll keep killing Christ.


Darshan777 said...

You have taken way to much Vicodin darling. First off Jesus was a good man trying to do the right thing and he got nailed literally. Noone likes the truth especially about the divine order of the universe, political and religious leaders dislike anything that could insite the masses to actually think for themselves.

I don't want to offend but....

Just to make something clear there are other mythological diety personifications that die annually and are reborn. Examples include Osiris, Damuzi, The Oak and Holly King lore of wicca...
not to mention the number of mythological beings that were born of a virgin. What is up with that anyway?

The entire basis of the dying god is that of rebirth and renual on an annual basis. Much was taken from the local populus of a country and twisted to meet the need of the church on the rise.
Example: Saint Bridget and the goddess Bridget are one in the same. Both are traditionally invoked on Candlemas ie Feb 1.

Since the Bible as we know it was translated by men in positions of power how can we say for fact what is fact and what is a fictional story to control the masses?

See it isn't God or Christ that I personally have a problem with but the misrepresentation of the divine by any church.

Remember the movie Stigmata? I just love catholic horror.

So keep the faith John. Especially in your self.


John Donald Knox, AKA QuackJak, AKA Johnny Woodside said...

Beckers, it's about damn time. You know my email; pls. use it. ;P