July 30, 2006

Bubba Turns 3, Stuff Happens

So once again we had a party for Bubba, this time at his daycare. It was a simple affair, with a "soft" clown to make animal balloons and do the Hokey-Pokey and whatnot, but he still wasn't having it. So for the second year in a row, Bubba shows us he's not about parties - at least not at this stage. Me, I say fine. I'm tired of throwing money away on entertainment for the other kids when my own son isn't enjoying it. Until he says otherwise, it's going to be a simple affair from now on.
Maybe, to avoid family mob scenes, we'll take to going on mini-vacations on that day, especially since it'll be in the Summer and so school won't ever be a factor.
He did love his Noddy toys, though, but not as much as the Dora muscial storybook. Also got some other stuff, including a nice train set, but I think that can wait until he's a little older.

The Mrs. and I celebrated seven years married today. Of course, I chose said day to have a bronchial infection so we had to keep our plans to a minimum (dinner locally, with a raincheck for something better at a later date). I did get her a Kate Spade bag, though. That sort of thing makes up for a lot.

Only have one essay left for current Summer mini-semester class; it's also the final exam. I see an 'A' in my future. Now, if only Financial Aid will go as well. Got TAPS, which is $250.00 per semester in grants. Applied for Unsecured Federal loan, which seems to be coming along well. Loan officer made it sound like all I needed to do is sign the MPN and bring in some proof of I.D. and it would be locked in. I hope so. It would be nice to go to more than one class a semester again.

Speaking of which, I have decided to apply for Social Security Disability. My post-surgical back problems (including the new ones in the cervical spine area) plus the fact that I'm still on meds for the 2 ministrokes I had in '04 should be enough. Back in the day, I seem to recall getting approved for way less than I have now, but I think that was because of a combination of factors.

IF I get SSD and my school loans, I'll be in good shape. Mind you, I'm not counting on either so I'm also looking for work through the college's job center. Unfortunately, like most of the agencies I've been to it looks like it'll probably be a case of I'm either too qualified or too physically screwed up to work for most employers. And people wonder why I chose Psychology.

Someone wrote me a while ago, asking what my thoughts were on certain subjects and phenomena. She covered a lot of ground, more than I really want to address in one post, but I'll start with healing by touch or Psychic Healing.

I've heard of this practice, and am familiar with the concept of channeling your chi, soul, aura or spiritual energy. Like many things in life I remain unconvinced of it's effectiveness, mainly due to a lack of professionally documented cases. See, I'll take pretty much anything into consideration as long as you can back it up with casework by dedicated researchers. Note: simply saying a thing works and then calling those who ask for proof 'unbelievers' undermines your case.

One of the many questions that comes to mind when thinking about spiritual healing is: how does one manage the travel of the spiritual energy to the injured area, and by what mechanism does the spiritual energy repair or cure? "It just does" won't quite satisfy the AMA, nor should it.

See you in August!

1 comment:

Darshan777 said...

see laying on hands post on my blog http://darshan777.blogspot.com/