January 5, 2009

I'll Have a 2009 with Pepperoni and Extra Cheese...

For Bubba, the Christmas break is over. School resumed today, and while he was loathe to go he was fine afterwards. The fact that he saw Gabe 1 probably had something to do with it.

Let me explain that: in Pre-K, he made a friend whose name was Gabe (not real name, like most edits here). In Kindergarten he met another boy named Gabe. He became good friends with him as well. So I've been having to designate between them in conversation. Of course, it's difficult to explain to kids why one is '1' and one is '2', and that it has nothing to do with how much he likes one or the other. Such is my life.

My classes at the university don't begin until the 26th. After the disaster that was last semester I'm hoping for more focus this time. With less than 30 credits to go before my next transition to pHd I really have to get my game together.

But until then the exra sleep is great...

Both Valentine's Day and the Mrs.'s birthday next month. What to do, what to do?


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