December 30, 2009

Another Year Gone

Since I embraced facebook, I haven't updated this site. I'll try to remedy that in 2010. After all, it's not like I don't have the time...

It's been several weeks since the outpatient surgery on the kidney and I'm still shooting out small stones and bleeding. Obviously, that's not exactly what I had signed up for so before I do anything else - like the dentist - I'm going to have to go back to the guy and ask him what is going on.

Bubba was in Hog Heaven this Christmas; spoiling our children unnecessarily is a family tradition here. Wii games, giant radio-controlled dinosaurs and cars, Handy Manny toys; the list goes on. Got the Mrs. some nice things too, but you know it was mainly about the boy. After all, he did manage to earn his yellow belt.

Me, I've been using my present since I got it: an electronic nicotine administering device that looks like a cigarette and expels water vapor that looks like smoke. Only the whole setup doesn't kill you like tobacco does. Yay me.

School's the same. Nothing wondrous nor tragic to report. Grades are fine. Grad school is just around the corner. Must remember to take the GREs this Summer.

See you next year. If I remember.


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